The Facebook Hacker will get reward of more than $11,000 by Crowdsourced Campaign
The Hacker from Palestine who hacked Mark Zuckerberg’s facebook timeline and wrote about the vulnerability he found was not awarded by Facebook and we also reported an article about “KHALIL” who is now a hacker cum researcher in which says “I Need Money that’s why i reported it” now Khalil’s dream si going to be true because he will get at least $11,000 as a reward from an online crowdsourced campaign.
The GoFundMe campaign to reward the hacker, Khalil Shreateh, raised more than its initial goal of $10,000 in approximately one day. At press time, 199 donors had contributed to the campaign with contributions totaling $11,305. Marc Maiffret, Chief Technology Officer of security firm BeyondTrust, launched the effort after Facebook refused to reward Shreateh.
Maiffret also wrote an update over there:
I hope this has raised awareness of the importance of independent researchers,” he wrote. “I equally hope it has reminded other researchers that while working with technology companies can sometimes be frustrating, we can never forget the greater goal; to help theInternet community at large, just as that community has helped donate over ten thousand dollars to Khalil within a day.”
Khalil discovered a BUG in Facebook which allows anyone to post something on any one’s timeline even if he/she is not a friend, he also ping Facebook security team but they refused and said “This is not a Bug”, after this Frustation he applied the Bug on Zuckerberg’s timeline, he wrote over there:
“[A] couple of days ago I discovered a serious Facebook exploit that allows users to post to other Facebookusers timeline while they are not in friend list,” Researcher wrote in his post to Zuckerberg’s timeline. “I appreciate your time reading this and getting some one from your company team to contact me.”
The Goal of this custom Facebook Bounty organised by GoFundMe campaign was $10,000.00 and the goal has been completed but still donation from all over the world is coming.
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